Dear readers, you may not know this about Tammy, but she is a doctor. Ok, well, maybe not doctor, but Medical Diagnostic Expert perhaps.
She doesn't have one of those fancypants "medical degrees", but i'll tell you what she does have: Google. ....Google and an extraordinary ability to recognize fatal symptoms in any otherwise potentially benign situation. Armed with WebMD, Google image, and her paranoia for the medical worst-case-scenario she has helped me realize, many many times that cancer is most definitely eating away at my body. Most of the time it turns out to just be gas. But whatever, she really tries.
(Also please note: we discovered that if you Google image search ANY medical condition, it will miraculously populate the absolute most disgusting image available on the entire interwebs. Well played Google image masterminds, well played indeed.)
(ADDItionally: I was going to post a photo b/c pictures speak volumes, but you see I Google image searched "eye twitch" and got a pic of some kind of maggot looking thing being pulled out of a guy's eye with tweezers. I rest my case. Instead of that pic, I will leave you with the cutest thing i can possibly find.'re welcome.)
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