Among the varying intellectual topics Diana and I dwell upon (Ukrainian sex slavery, yarnbombing, zombies and falling runway models to name a few), there is one topic that consistently captures our attention (read: paralyzes us with fear and leads to a terrifying flurry of what-if scenarios which then remind us that we are seriously ill-prepared for any kind of catastrophe) -- the end o' the world. There, I've said it. Diana and I are total doomsdayers.
So naturally whenever any indication of the end arises I am compelled to share it with her so that I can have a like-minded worrywart validate my fears. And I use the word "indication" loosely here. I might come across a news story about a shortage of avocados and begin to conclude that the end is nigh. But not today, my friends! Today is a day that surely has doomsdayers all over the world abuzz...the sun is exploding!!
Okay, so it's not really exploding. But NASA has reported a huge solar flare that is causing the disruption of satellite and radio signals in China. And to the average person that might seem to be inconsequential news, but for a person who recently watched Knowing with Nicolas Cage, it's a little frightening. And the scariest part is that not even Nicolas Cage can save us from solar flares. They will penetrate our atmosphere and sweep across the world, one big city at a time, completely obliterating everything, even celebrities (note: aliens might save the children, but don't count on it). And you can't even ride out the storm in an underground bunker because the radiation will reach several hundred miles into the earth's crust.
SO, there you have it - your daily sign of the apocolypse. But stay tuned because birds are still haplessly falling from the sky, the Middle East is in turmoil and the US is experiencing severe and erratic weather systems.
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